Legacy Tributes
Every Brick Has a Story
We celebrate our loved ones' lives by remembering and sharing their stories here.
Curtis Jullie
We were so excited for our first child. I had an easy, uneventful pregnancy. When I was 40 weeks pregnant we found out his heart no longer beat underneath mine. We had the honor of holding him for a mere 4 hours, giving him all the love we could in a short time. May 31st 2006 will never be our worst day, it was the day we finally got to meet and hold our long awaited son. He was perfect in every way and we miss him. His little sister and little brother help us celebrate his birthday every year and we feel honored to be his parents. "We are richer, by far, having held you a moment than to have never held you at all."
Haven Rae Hirji-Walji
Our twins Hunter and Haven were born 4/28/15. Due to an unforseen complication during delivery our daughter Haven suffered irreversible brain damage and passed away on 5/9/15 when she was just 11 days old. Though our time with her was short, we cherished every moment and are thankful for every day and every hour that she was with us on earth. Her memory lives on in her twin brother. We will never forget the impact her short life made on our family. She taught us to be stronger than we knew we could be, to love deeply and to remember that every single day is a gift. We love you Haven and we miss you. We can't wait to see you again one day, sweet girl!
Bruce Lindfors
Bruce was a loving husband ,dad,son,and brother.He was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer that had metastatic to his bones in March of 2015 and fought the battle with many other complications. and lost the battle in September of 2015. He is missed very much but lives on in a better place with no pain.
Joseph (Joe) Brunn
No words can describe the openness left when our son went missing and was found in ....heaven. At 23 there's so much more life to be had....thank you God that Joe filled his life with family, friends & Faith. Always remembered every second of every minute of every hour of ...every day.
My baby died. Today and everyday, remember. - August 19th, Day of Hope