Legacy Tributes

Every Brick Has a Story

We celebrate our loved ones' lives by remembering and sharing their stories here.

Submit your own tribute


Tim Garmon

In loving memory of a wonderful husband, father and friend of the community. Tim, you are forever in our hearts and prayers and I know that you are looking down upon us with love.

CW4 John Priestner

John died when his Apache Longbow crashed in Iraq November 6, 2006 during his third deployment. He lived a very full life in his short 42 years. John loved flying helicopters and spending time on his boat. Most important to him was spending time with his wife and two girls, he called them Team Priestner. He was also a great son and brother. We love and miss you John, you made the ultimate sacrifice for your country and will always be our forever hero.

Danny Johnson

Danny was eighteen years old when he was killed in an automobile accident. He was a very social guy who knew just about everyone at his high school. He was very well liked and extremely loyal to his friends. He had just graduated from high school in June 2004 and was going to attend St. Cloud University. Along with his parents Craig and Connie he leaves behind his sister Kristine who was 14 years of age at the time of his death. We miss him terribly and know that he is waiting for us to join him someday.

Billy Drag

Billy was our third child born May 28, 1985. He was a perfect little boy who weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz., but he was very sick due to meconium aspiration which ultimately caused a lack of oxygen and my husband and I had to make the most painful decision to let him go. Billy died May 30, 1985, even though we only had him for a short time he forever changed our lives. We miss you Billy and will always wonder what your future would have been. You live in our hearts, we love you our sweet angel.

My baby died. Today and everyday, remember. - August 19th, Day of Hope